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Tag: winestory

Building a Wine Brand: one Fine Wine Success Story. Part I

With the explosion of wineries and wine brands around the world, the market has become extremely competitive. It is not an easy task to make your wine brand to stand out from the crowd. I met Moritz Rogosky of Podere il Carnasciale, a small family-owned winery in Tuscany, to learn about the unique wines of Il Carnasciale, and the winery’s story of success.

Little-Known Wine Facts About Cleopatra

Cleopatra – the last pharaoh and one of the most powerful rulers of Egypt, a debauched temptress and a woman of superior intellect. It turned out that she was also a huge wine lover along with Marc Antony, a Roman general and her lover, who by the way, was declared the New Dionysus, a god of wine, happiness, and immortality.